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Investment in Shares and Property
Welcome (5:07)
Investing in shares
1. Advantages of the small investor (4:25)
2. Risk-is share investment right for you? (3:25)
3. Your personal circumstances (1:42)
4. Timing the market-the wrong question (2:08)
5. Picking winners-how to pick a good share (3:01)
6. Research-researching the company (4:00)
7. Understanding the company's business (4:36)
8. Shares to avoid (0:49)
9. The price/earnings ratio-the critical role of earnings (3:26)
10. What's the company story? (2:15)
11. Analysing the company-taking a closer look (5:05)
12. Share analysis-summary and recap (1:48)
13. Your portfolio (5:11)
14. Stupid comments about shares you need to ignore (2:02)
15. Recap (1:51)
Bonus video #1-Davy Select share platform review (15:01)
Bonus video #2-DEGIRO share platform introduction (6:18)
Bonus video #3-how to buy shares on the DEGIRO platform (6:50)
Bonus video #4-selling SNAPCHAT shares on DEGIRO (4:20)
Bonus video #5-taxation essentials (4:45)
Bonus-my share portfolios
Investing in property
1. Shares or property? (10:59)
2. Building a buy to let property portfolio-the dream versus reality (7:34)
3. Buy to let investment is a simple game (5:51)
4. Capital Gains Tax (11:20)
5. Commercial property investment-3 factors to consider (7:06)
6. Finding a no brainer investment is possible (3:28)
7. Property investment in Ireland-FAQ (11:18)
8. Vat on property (4:47)
9. 2 Essentials for successful property investment (4:41)
10. 10 tips for successful negotiations (15:43)
11. Buying property for cash-the 3 big advantages (6:23)
12. Why you need a structural survey (10:51)
13. Costs (4:00)
3. Your personal circumstances
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